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ABRAM K. EIDSE (1882-1947)

by Lorilee Scharfenberg



Abram K. Eidse was born July 7, 1882 to Reverend Abraham and Helena Eidse in Rosenhoff, Manitoba.  He was their second child but the oldest to survive.


Abram began attending school in fall of 1889 at the Rosenort School #61.  He enjoyed school tremendously but had some frustrations with his studies because his long-term memory and his depth perception had been damaged because of an accident when he was seven.  He was struck by a heavy timber in a swinging accident and this caused a blood clot to form within his brain. He enjoyed his childhood despite his handicap.


Abram was the oldest and only son in the family for a number of years and he was given a lot of responsibility.  His parents owned between thirty and forty horses and he was often up early breaking, plowing and harrowing their land.  He also worked on his father's threshing crew and eventually became the engineer. 


His boyhood chums were Gustav Schellenberg, Peter Siemens and George and P.U. Brandt.  During his teen years he enjoyed playing on a local soccer team that competed against various villages.  His grandfather, David Klassen, taught him to skate on the Scratching River.  This was a winter past-time he loved.  The river also provided other entertainment for Abram such as his passion for fishing.  The river was teaming with fish and he caught a variety of fish including rainbow and speckled trout, perch, pickerel, catfish and suckers.  He and his mother had a fondness for fish fries and often ate them twice a week.


His teen years were somewhat frustrating with his mother busy with midwifery and his father being a minister and a full-time farmer as well.  Often it was his Grandpa Klassen who took time to talk with him.  He didn't appreciate the pressures of being a minister's son at all although he did adore his father and claimed that his father had been born with both feet in heaven.  Abram rebelled against the church in his youth and learned to play the piano accordion and went to dances.  When Abram was eighteen, his beloved grandfather David Klassen passed away and a year later his crippled younger sister Aganetha died at the age of five and a half.  These must have been difficult times for him.  He did not surrender his life to the Lord at an early age but finally in June of 1911, at the age of 29, he gave his heart to Christ and was baptized by Bishop Peter R. Dueck.


After several years of courting a dear girl by the name of Annie they finally were able to be married.  They made their home with his parents for the first year and a half until they were able to establish their own farmyard on the South-east 1/4 of Section 29-5-1E.  This quarter of land had been originally purchased by his father A.E. Eidse from Crown School Lands in 1900.  Perhaps this land was a wedding gift from his father.  They built their barn  in 1913 and then their farmhouse in 1914. 



Abram worked hard to build up his farm.  In the winters there was always wood to haul from Marchand and coal from McTavish for heating.  Ice always had to be cut and hauled as well for drinking water for both the livestock and the family.  Since he and Annie had up to 20 cows and eight horses in their barn, he had to clean out the manure at least twice a day.  The pigs also had to be fed their chop and it had to be hammer-milled every two weeks.  He also readied and repaired all the farm machinery and fixed the harnesses for the coming seeding time.  At farrowing time he took care of the piglets, rubbing them down carefully to keep them alive and he also kept watch through the early cold spring nights during calving season.  During harvest he would ride the binder and set stooks with the other farmhands as well. These were only a few of the many farming duties that he performed to keep the farm running smoothly.  At the height of their farming lives they owned more than 700 acres of land.  Both Abram and Annie were very proud of their registered dairy herd of Jersey's.  Each cow had three names and the bull had five.  Each cow had to be individually hand-drawn when it was registered.  Abram was also a salesman of Jersey cream and butter and advertised and sold it personally to the ladies in the Town of Morris.  His pitch always included the fact that Jersey butter didn't turn sour when it was hot outside and it didn't turn rancid easily.


Abram also worked hard in his hobby of gardening.  He was very talented at growing and grafting fruit trees.  His grafts never failed once and he grew mulberries and plums and pear trees with great success.  These he had ordered from Russia as seedlings.  Both the Morden Experimental Farm and Stevenson's nursery kept a close eye on his developments.  His pride and joy in the flowering shrubs were his long row of peonies.  They were supported by a specially invented low steel fence that kept the peonies supported even when it rained heavily.  He often won first prize at the Morris Agricultural Fair for his flower arrangements and also won many blue ribbons for his cattle.  He loved to compete.


Abram was a good-looking man who usually wore dress pants and a vest accented with a gold pocketwatch.  On Sundays he always wore a tie.  He had water-blue eyes and dark brown hair.  He was only about 5'6 but very wiry in strength.  He always wore wire-rimmed glasses except when he was reading because he had almost lost his eyesight due to trachoma in his youth.  He had a great rapport with people and was very hospitable and easy-going.  Children gravitated toward him and enjoyed the opportunity to sit on his lap. 


Abram was a perfectionist in all that he did and yet because of his poor memory he often felt frustrated with himself.  His greatest disappointments in life involved the deaths of his young children and especially the little son who died of burns.  He had put out the fire with his bare hands and carried scars for the rest of his life.  It was not something he discussed at length with anyone.  He cried most when there was rebellion in the family although he also wept openly when his mother died.


Abram and his wife Annie had a very loving relationship.  They held hands and even kissed in front of their children sometimes.  After short trips away for dairy meetings or threshing he always came home with affectionate hugs and greetings for his darling.  He sometimes brought her small gifts such as live flowers to plant in her garden.  One time he brought her a plant named hens and chicks.  She wasn't impressed with that one because she told him she had never liked to have chickens in the garden in the first place never mind planting them there!  One year he also gave her a dinner set for Christmas and it brought tears to her eyes.  One contribution he made to the family diet was that of tomatoes.  Annie had grown up thinking of them as only being useful as chicken feed and believed they were poisonous for human beings.  He taught her to truly enjoy them although she ate them with salt, pepper and vinegar while he ate them with sugar.


For several years after the 1918 War Abram and Annie sponsored more than a dozen families across from Russia and Germany through the organization of the Mennonite Central Committee.  These immigrants carried names like Stark, Rabe, Janzen, Letkeman, Braun and Unrau only to mention a few.  The Eidses not only paid for their journey but often took the families into their home and supplied them with jobs as well.  Many settled permanently in the area and what the Eidses had sacrificed financially was paid many times over with the strong friendships they shared with these families.



Abram and Annie were both very hospitable people and their motto seemed to be there is always room for one more.  One summer they hosted up to twenty farm workers that lived in the north-wing room of their farmhouse and in their bunkhouse.  They had two couples with one child each staying in another room and six other unmarried children scattered about the house, sleeping in the living room under tables, in day beds or sharing other cramped quarters.  At the same time two girls who were relatives were also boarding in their house so that they could be employed in the community.  Needless to say there were at least three shifts of dinner guests and one can't imagine the lineup for the outhouse.


Besides providing jobs for area residents, Abram also served the community in several other ways.  He was a founding member of the Rosenort Credit Union and helped to canvass for its beginnings.  He also helped campaign for all-weather roads to be established in the Riverside-Rosenort area. 


Abram had a very gracious and Christlike spirit.  He believed that it was better to pay a debt twice than not at all.  This was at times difficult for the family to accept because others took full advantage of his poor memory and purposefully charged him two or three times for the same goods or services.  He was also completely unselfish and always lent out his farm equipment to anyone who asked for it.  The only time he regretted it was when they brought it back in need of repair without so much as an explanation or a thank-you.  He took time to teach his children the practical things in life, even his daughters, such as shingling, how to fix harnesses and fences. 


Abram and Annie also managed to celebrate their 25th anniversary together in June of 1937.  They hosted a garden party for many guests.  A highlight was that Abram had supplied the guests with a huge store-bought box of cookies, which was a real change from the usual homemade ones!  There were many friends and relatives that came and shared in the program on that beautiful sunny June day.  Later that fall they took a short trip with two of their daughters to Dryden, Ontario.  They enjoyed a short vacation in a cabin on the lake and he managed to spend some time indulging in his youthful hobby of fishing.


Abram enjoyed fairly good health most of his life although he suffered from a hernia in his later years.  Abram went to the States once to seek treatment for the blood clot that he had but was told that it was too close to the brain.  He could have had an operation but the chances were extremely high that he would have died or been paralyzed.  He and Annie agreed that it was better just to live out his life.  He had two vehicle accidents that further complicated his long-term memory however it was the third accident that triggered the illness that would finally take his life. 


In March of 1946 Abram was taking eight full cans of milk to the cheese factory with horse and sleigh.  Someone passing by with their car tooted their horn at him and the horses were startled.  The sleigh jerked suddenly and a full canister of milk rammed into the back of his head.  He managed to make it home but he suffered greatly from headaches from that time on.  He thought that he would die.  He decided to turn management of the farm over to his family because he felt so unhealthy.


A month after the accident he had his first stroke because the blood clot had moved.  Throughout the next year he suffered several light strokes.  Some made him weak and paralyzed and affected his speech while others seemed to have the opposite effect.  His family took care of him at home.  For a few months between strokes he was up and around and working on the farm again.  Several times when his mind cleared he said his goodbyes to the family.    On February 5, 1947, his mind was clear and he asked for the family’s forgiveness for any wrongdoing.  He died peacefully at home surrounded by his loving family on February 6, 1947.

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