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Early Rosenort/Rosenhoff Pioneers

Copyright © 2001 Lorilee Scharfenberg.

  Resources DF Plett Kleine Gemeinde Series. Prairie Pioneer and Prairie Pilgrim -writings of John W. Dueck. Furrows in the Valley. Community interviews. Census Records. Rundschau Translations-Henry Fast.


One tries to imagine the Scratching River area in 1874. Wild roses, mosquitoes, tall prairie grass, interspersed with swampland. A clear river teeming with many varieties of fish. Oak, poplar,willow, river dogwood lining the riverbank. Acres of buffalo grass. Apparently even some rocks. From McTavish to a mile east of Rosenort young poplar bush - to the west - untamed grassland. Heinrich Ratzlaff wrote, “by evening we arrived at the river where the horses were unhitched and fed. We were again joined by an enormous swarm of observers, who were not satisfied merely to see that foreigners had come, indeed their biting was their welcome. We overnighted in this wilderness and the next morning we looked around to see where we had driven in the dark night. I believe that each of us had his own thoughts. Coffee was again cooked and we all ate breakfast together. Then we inspected the region and it was discussed whether the west side would not have an advantage over the east. It seemed that we five individuals (Jacob Friesen, Franz Froese, Johan Janzen, Isaac Loewen, and Heinrich Ratzlaff) were all of the view that the land was more appropriate for grain farming and also decided to settle here. ...We knew the next day the other caravan with D. Klasen, carrying their burden of goods would arrive...”

Rosenort Pioneers


1.Klaas Reimer Brandt (1845-1901) Margaretha Makofsky Friesen (1838-1933)

Claus Brandt [Claas Braun] 29 labourer; Margt 33 wife; Isaak 15 labourer; Anna 12 spinster; Claus 1 infant. Comments: Klaas Brandt - Profile/Kleine Gemeinde Family #32; Rosenort/SR.Immigrated in 1874 with two children from her previous marriage: Isaac F. Harms (1859-1916) and Anna F. Harms (1862-1935). 3 Children together came as well. Klaas Jr. (1874-1958), Heinrich (1876-1960), and Peter Brandt (1878-1961). Immigrated from Steinbach, Borosenko. Klaas Sr. was small of stature, crippled physically, and died of tuberculosis. His guardian was his uncle delegate, David Klassen. Margaretha served the community of Rosenort as a midwife, undertaker, and nurse. They had fire damage to their “Schoppen” in July 1876. After her husband’s death, she lived with Klaas Jr. in Rosenhoff. Later she lived with Anna Harms (grand-daughter) who was a single mother. Her journal is still extant and records many births, deaths, and a long poem about her life. Dick B. Eidse remembers visiting her with horse and buggy. She complained of having no sight. After visiting for a while she questioned his mother Anna K. Eidse about her “fancy” dress. With amusement, Eidse suggested her vision wasn’t worth complaining about. Without missing a beat Mrs. Brandt changed the subject.


2.Peter Buller (1836-1902) Anna Neumann Wiens (1843-1887)

Immigrated in 1874 to Rosenort from Steinbach, Borosenko. . They lived with her parents the 1st winter (Franz Wiens 1802-1881) since Anna contracted typhus and was ill for 6 weeks and they were unable to finish their own dwelling. They left for Jansen Nebraska in 1875 where they farmed and became members of the Krimmer Mennonite Brethren. Peter married his sister-in-law Susanna. S.S. Hibernian No. 63 arrived in Quebec on August 27, 1874, carrying Peter Butters [Bueller] 38 labourer; Anna 30 wife; Franz 11 child; Peter 10 child; Jacob 6 child; Johann 2 child; Elizth 4 child; Infant [Peter] 1 infant. Comments: Profile/Kleine Gemeinde Family #38. Moved to Nebraska in 1875.


3.Franz Wiens 1802-1881 Elizabeth Neumann 1814-1896

Immigrated to Rosenort in 1874 from Rosenfeld, Borosenko. Moved to Jansen, Nebraska in 1876.


4.Kornelius Eidse Kornelson (1835-1910) Katherine Dueck (1839-1896)

Moved from Hoffnungsberg, Crimea to Heuboden in the East Reserve in 1874. By the 1881 census, they relocated to Rosenort. Katherine, cousin to Peter H. Dueck, served as a midwife to the community. She died of a stroke. John Enns had the funeral message. Kornelius wrote a letter dated May 5, 1874, to Peter Toews which is translated in Plett Pioneers p. 14. In 1897 he was married to a widow Wall and lived in Loew Farm. In 1900 he was in Winkler on a farm he owned. In 1908 he moved to Herbert with his sons Cornie and Jakob. He is buried in Main Centre SK at Turnhill Cemetery. Son Cornie wrote into the Rundschau often.


5.Peter Harms Dueck 1837-1931 Margaretha Toews Friesen 1840-1899

Immigrated in 1874 from Heuboden, Borosenko. The couple lived in a semlin the first winter in Rosenort, Their son Johann was the first child born in the settlement in January 1875. Margaretha is buried on her brother's farm (John T. Friesen) which is now cultivated to farmland. For many years the grave was marked and maintained by Mrs. David K. Dueck. His grave is on the Rosenort West Cemetery. He was an agreeable character and the grandchildren all wanted him to live at their place. For a while, he lived at CK Eidses. Historian Dick B. Eidse remembers that he had new shoes with holes cut in them. When asked why he smiled and gave two reasons 1st -bunions and 2nd because it was a good conversation starter.


6.Jacob W. Toews 1836-1920 Katherina Bergen Wiens 1835-1905

Immigrated in 1874 to Rosenort from Neuanlage, Borosenko. They joined the Holdeman Gemeinde in 1882. In 1896 they were living in Langdon ND. In 1902, the Toews went to Russia for 4 1/2 months with son Peter. Mrs. Toews died in Hochstadt at her son Jacob. Her last wish was to be buried in ND and son Peter took her there. Jacob passed away at son Peter’s in Rosenort.

Son Peter W. Toews served as a school teacher in Rosenort in the 1880’s. In 1891 he changed jobs and bought the Rosenort mill. His daughter Margaretha wrote, “ tired father often was. Sometimes he worked in the mill 3 nights and 2 days. He couldn’t crush grain if it was not windy and he couldn't let the mill get too full.”Because of poor health, he tried to sell it already in 1900 (JWD-Der Nordwestern) In 1904 they moved from the village of Rosenort to the JR Friesen farm which was purchased for $2200. wife Margaretha Froese died of cancer of the stomach and the funeral was at the old John Ennses. He lived one year as a widow and then married a lady from North Dakota. He also died of cancer of the stomach after surgery.


7.Aeltester Heinrich Wiebe Enns 1807-1881

Married 3 times Margaretha Friesen, Sarah Toews, and Wilhelmina Plett. He originated from Fischau, Mol. Baptized in 1827, he joined the Kleine Gemeinde a few years later. Elected as a deacon in 1849. Served in ministry for 19 years until he resigned in the midst of controversy. He immigrated to Rosenort in 1875 with 3 sons as a widower. Previous to this he lived in Blumenhoff, Borosenko.He was played a key role in Russia for the publication of many KG writings to preserve them. Although he died at Johanns after a sickness of 19 days, it is a mystery where he is buried. Some letters are extant.


8.Franz Froeze 1825-1913 Anna Loewen Braun 1844-1908

Immigrated from Heuboden, Borosenko. Franz’s 1st wife was named Maria Penner. Anna and Franz immigrated to Rosenort in 1874. On the voyage over they buried a month old daughter at sea. Had a foster daughter, Margaretha Friesen who married David K. Hiebert. He was a farmer but had shares in the Rosenort windmill from 1879-90. Peter M. Kroeker and he were brothers-in-law and neighbours. Ran a harvesting company with Peter M. Kroeker. In 1898 took a trip to Nebraska with Kroekers, Mrs. John Enns, and John W. Duecks. Mrs. Froeze was one of the first buried in the “Kroeker” graveyard. His daughter also died in 1908. Two sons died of typhoid fever in Carman Hospital in 1912. Grandson David Goosen described him as being of medium height with gray hair in his old age. He lived at his son Peter B. home for a few years before he passed away from “dropsy” congestive heart failure with a two-month sick bed at Gerhard Goossens. Later his two-story home was used as a school, then as a Russlaender home and still later when it was almost in ruins as a dance hall for rebellious youth. Preservings 11 Dec 1997 p.97.


9.Abraham Toews Friesen (1854-1909) Cornelia Warkentin Harms (1853-1938)

Immigrated from Heuboden, Borosenko. This couple lived in the community for the 1874-75 winter. Then he moved to Steinbach to teach for one year. Abraham had a lot of run-ins in Russia with the church. Excommunicated twice. By 1877 the couple lived in Rosenort again. Cornelia wrote her mother “My man still goes to work at his parents, they have already finished erecting their buildings, I have also been there, right at this time each and everyone is eating as much fish as they want, ...a railway is being built here and now there is competition between Rosenhoff and Rosenort. Many people have been here already, 5 tents were set up.” The railroad was later abandoned. In 1882 they joined the Holdeman Gemeinde and moved often because of a teaching career. He died of a stroke at Johan’s see photo p. 26 # 10 June 1997 Preservings. 1933 Cornelia had a sister Isaac D. (Sara) Friesen, Gerhard Harms was a brother. They lived out where John Siemens lived -south of Rosenort. In the early years “Nelke” Cornelia was yanked off a box wagon and broke her hip - very lame because of it.


10.Cornelius Heidebrecht Friesen 1832-1911 Maria Hiebert 1832-1919

S.S. Prussian No. 21 arrived in Quebec on June 18, 1875.2743 Cornelius Friesen 43 labourer; Maria 43 wife; Claas 16 labourer; Cornelius 7 child; Johan 3 child; Margareth 5 child; Peter 1 infant. Comments: Profile/Kleine Gemeinde Family #126; Rosenort/Winkler/WR.

Immigrated in 1875 to Manitoba from Lichtfelde, Molotschna, and lived in Rosenort til 1889. Moved to Lowe Farm, Winkler, then Beaver Flats, SK in 1907. They were grandparents to PWX Friesen. 2 letters in Pioneers DF Plett. His obituary is in the March 22, 1922 Rundschau.


11.Heinrich Brandt Friesen 1836-1900 Helena Siemens Friesen 1835-1911

Originally a schoolteacher in Russia. Came to Manitoba in 1874. Lived in Rosenort for 4 months. On Feb 4, 1875 the couple left for Janzen Nebraska in a raging blizzard by sleigh. He became a well-driller there. see article and photo in Preservings #12 June 1998 page 67.


12.Abram Spenst Eidse 1811-1893

His wife was Anna Enns. Abram arrived in Rosenhoff in 1875 and settled on Wirtshaft 13, as a widower. In the 1881 census he is living with twenty-year-old son Heinrich. He was active as a farmer. He became a member of the Scratching River Gemeinde on Jan 12, 1878. He visited daughters Anna in Janzen Neb and Helena in Kansas. By 1891 was living he was living with son Cornelius after moving with Heinrich to Abilene Texas. He was a quiet peaceful man. Died in 1893 and is buried in Merkel Texas. Did anyone found a headstone?


13.Cornelius Enns Eidse 180?-1914 Helena Dueck Loewen 1855-1886

Immigrated from Neuanlage, Borosenko. This couple arrived in 1874 and settled in Rosenhoff. His 1st marriage was to delegate David Klassen’s daughter Katharina with whom he had several children. 2nd wife Helena was a sister to the Loewen brothers of Rosenhoff. The couple became Holdeman in 1882. Cornelius was elected but never ordained a minister possible because his wife never embraced the faith? In 1892 Cornelius moved to Abilene and then on to Kansas. In 1898 he sold the last of his land in Rosenort/Rosenhof to John W. Dueck. He died of an infection in his finger. His son C.K. married John Rempel’s daughter and moved to Pueblo Colorado in 1905.


14.Jacob Plett Enns 1856-1942 Katharina Koop Rempel 1854-1904

born in Fischau, Molotschna, the son of Aeltester Heinrich Enns. He was elected a minister in the Holdeman Gemeinde but served as a deacon instead. In 1880 owned Wirtschaft 1 in Rosenort. He married the second time to Helena Thiessen (widow D. Isaac.) In 1910 he went to the States to enjoy the comforts of a health spa. She was the daughter to Katherina M. Koop (who immigrated as a widow) who married Martin Rempel.


15.Johan Toews Enns 1850-1917 Maria Hiebert 1850-1900

Immigrated to Rosenort in 1875. Son of Aeltester Heinrich Enns. Elected a minister of the Kleine Gemeinde in Dec. 1875. After the 1882 Holdeman division, he became a minister among them Aelt Enns died at his home. Her father was Johan Hiebert (Kleefeld). In 1910 he wrote a description of the Rosenort-Rosenhoff community in the Rundschau. He died of a heart attack when driving horses At least one son joined the Swedenborgian church.


16.Heinrich Loepp Friesen 1851-1910 Anna Brandt Klassen 1855-1892

Immigrated from Heuboden, Molotschna. detailed family history book coming out in 2001 by Levi Dueck.


17.Jacob Friesen Friesen 1820-1888 Margaretha Loewen 1817-1883

Heuboden, Borosenko. Excommunicated and reaccepted with 1st wife Margaretha Toews in 1859 for a week. Token discipline for irresponsible parenting. Margretha was married previously to Isaac Braun.

They immigrated to Rosenort in 1874. Jacob was nearly 7 feet tall. Jacob and Margaretha together had 9 families (sons and daughters) that settled in Rosenort and one foster daughter (anyone know what happened to her?) - 5 Friesens, 4 Brauns and 1 Broeski. Her name was Florentine. She had a sister Elisabeth who married a Kornelsen. Son was Gerhard. B. Kornelsen, a teacher.


18.Jacob Toews Friesen 1845-1903 Elisabeth Adrian Rempel 1845-1928

Immigrated to Rosenort in 1874 from ? In 1896 they were living in Rosenort He was a schoolteacher who died in Steinbach They joined the Holdeman Gemeinde in or near 1882. In 1913 she wrote a letter to the Rundschau saying she was married to Peter H. Penner and living in Hochstadt. She died in Langdon, North Dakota.


19.Johann Plett Friesen 1847-1920 Marie Enns Eidse 1848-1934

In 1875 immigrated to Blumenort. By 1877 they sold their place to Johann Klassen and moved to Rosenort to serve as a cow herder. Since he was cruel to animals it didn’t last. They moved to Heuboden and then Rosenort again. In late 1901-1904 they lived in Rosenort village. During 1904-1918 they lived near McTavish. She lived in one house, he in another - upon recommendation of the church.. 1916-1918 he lived in Greenland at his son John. He was a jack of trades and a genealogist known against his wishes as “Adze Friese. “ She lived with her son Peter and Cornie’s place in the bush farm, one mile east of Rosenort village, and worked diligently with her sons to build up a nice farm. Marie had a blue glass bowl that contained little wooden eggs. Children were allowed to play with those eggs. Although not born that way, she became a hunchback and had to be laid on her side in her coffin.


20.Johan T. Friesen 1849-1909 Anna Dueck Warkentin 1851-1893

In 1874 the Friesen’s settled in Rosenort and built a semlin. One year later they built a 1 1/2 story house. Were in the village for 28 years untiltill they moved to their own 1/4 section. Carpenter and song leader. Johan died of a six-day kidney disease and stroke. On their yard were 5 well-kept graves. The two of them, Mrs. PH Dueck and two children.


21.Gerhard Warkentin Harms 1849-1911 Maria Loewen Braun 1850-1878

Gerhard was excommunicated within one year of marriage for an affair. He and his wife reconciled and Immigrated to Rosenort in 1874. After his wife passed away, he lived in Rosenort as a widower with his daughter Maria til his death. JWD “May 12 “Gerhard Harms, who has had heart problems for some time, now appears to have suffered a stroke affecting his thinking and speech” July 26, “Gerhard Harms...requested that Abram Eidse and (JWD) come over to help him with his last will. He has dropsy and also brings up blood, getting weaker all the time. I had to write a cheque for him in his daughter Maria’s name amounting to over $600.00. I even had to help his trembling hand sign his name. He also sold his land to his daughter for $1.00.” July 28 Gerhard Harms passed away at 5 this morning. He was 61 and his funeral is to be on the 30th.” The family: Gerhard, daughter Maria and grandson Jacob H. Friesen lived in a log cabin one mile south of Rosenort.


22. Peter Sawatzky Harms 1849-1925 Anna Loewen Friesen 1849-1918

Settled in Rosenort in 1874. In 1875 moved to Janzen, Nebraska to join his father. In 1888 they became Holdeman. They moved from Inman in 1901, to Meade in 1908, and then to Montezuma in 1916.


23.David Knelsen Hiebert 1853-1900/03 Margaretha Loewen Friesen 1854-1909

David learned saddle making in his youth. They immigrated in 1874. When did they leave Rosenort? She was a foster daughter of Franz Froese, Mrs. Peter Harms was her sister. They joined the Holdeman Gemeinde in 1881-82. He was elected a minister in 1884. They moved to Plymouth, Nebraska in 1896. Margaretha died in Halbstadt.


24.Peter Knelsen Hiebert 1846-1917 Anna Dueck Loewen 1850-1877

Immigrated to Rosenort 1875 from Blumenhoff, Borosenko. She was the daughter to Deacon Johan Loewen. He married for the second time to Anna K. Goossen (1858-1912) in 1877. They bought the Schierling farm in Kansas for $5700.00 in 1891. Did they join the Holdeman Gemeinde?


25.Johan Siemens Janzen 1840-1905 Margaretha Penner Janzen 1844-1889

This couple lived in Rosenhoff from 1874-77. In ‘75 they had a claim for fire damage in the amount of $323.25. In 1878 they moved to Blumenhof.


26.Rev. Abraham Brandt Klassen 1850-1935 Anna Koop Rempel 1849-1877

The Klassens immigrated to Rosenhoff, Manitoba in 1876. In 1 1/2 years he was left widowed with a young daughter. Anna died in childbirth. He married to Elisabeth Warkentin and lived in her homeplace Blumenhof, Manitoba from 1877-79. Then they returned to the farm he owned in Rosenhoff. In 1882 he joined the Holdeman Gemeinde and in ‘84 was elected a minister. He served his church faithfully for 19 years. In 1903 they moved near Didsbury, Alberta, and with several adult children.


27.Rev. Abram Regier Klassen 1828-1906 Helena Martens 1833-1894

Already a minister when he arrived in Rosenort, Rev. Klassen seemingly had many arguments with other leaders. Discontent with both the church and the countryside of southern Manitoba he packed his bags and moved to Alexanderfeld, Kansas. His leanings were toward baptism by immersion and later it seems he was rebaptized and became a KMB minister? His best-known offspring is Matt Groening - creator of the Simpsons.


28.David Brandt Klassen 1845-1919 Helena Friesen Reimer 1846-1883

David and Helena immigrated to Rosenhoff Manitoba in 1874. In 1883 he married Catharina Friesen. She was buried in the Klassen graveyard. In 1907, he moved to Beaver Flats Saskatchewan.


29.Jacob Martens Kroeker 1836-1913 Maria Brandt Klassen 1837-1919

Deacon Jacob and his brother Peter, a minister, led the local Kleine Gemeinde ministerial in the area for many years. In 1873 he had 17 votes to become a deacon. In 1878 he was elected a minister. In 1883 he was chosen as an Aeltester. In his life summary, he wrote, “...on the eve of the world when the true faith has so much vanished. I truly believe that almost everyone was motivated to earnestly examine their faith by this serious division, which was based so much on doctrine...This was also my comfort that in my great anxiety and concern I committed myself unto the Lord, in the firm trust that I might lead and guide the Gemeinde unto His honour and for all our salvation, and thus I have served in this office in great weakness here in Rosenhoff and in the East Reserve for 15 years with baptism and Holy Communion.”

In 1898 the Kroeker’s were devastated by a prairie fire that burnt their home and barn. More importantly, all of the old writings and sermons collected by Jacob were lost! Much more is written about this amazing couple in the John W. Dueck books.


30.Peter Martens Kroeker 1840-1915 Margaretha Loewen Braun 1841-1919

Rosenfeld, Borosenko Russia -Peter was elected as a deacon on Jan.23,1872 with 23 votes. In Blumenhof, Borozenko, Russia he was elected as minister and ordained Feb 14, 1873. He and his wife settled in Rosenort, Manitoba in 1874. He and his brother minister Jakob M. Kroeker of Rosenhoff and minister Peter Baerg of Gruenfeld, were the only ministers to remain faithful to the Kleine Gemeinde after the bishop Peter Toews and the other ministers left to join the Holdeman Church. Rev. Kroeker served the Rosenort congregation from the beginning. In 1911 he was still busy preaching. In 1915 John W. Dueck writes that “his illness reduced him to “skin and bones” “Someone is always with him at night” “He loves to hear beautiful songs while he sits in his rocker. He is failing more and more and becoming more patient all the time. One is reminded of Job and his illness.” April 16 JWD says ‘At last Uncle Peter Kroeker has been healed of his sickness as he peacefully passed away.” Funeral was held in the Rosenhoff schoolhouse on April 17 and he was buried in the Rosenhoff cemetery.


31.Isaac Wiebe Loewen 1845-1926 Elizabeth Siemens Janzen 1845-1909

The Loewens immigrated to Rosenort in 1874. He built a 20X24 sod hut with brother-in-law Ratzlaff for the 1st winter and lived in it together. In 1883 Isaac bought the David Klassen farm for $2, 000.00. Apparently he was serving as mayor of Rosenort at this time. Also a song leader. Isaac toured Saskatchewan in 1903 and purchased land. He remained in Rosenort though. His wife was ill for six weeks, then went into a three-day coma due to a stroke from which she never recovered. 2nd marriage to Margaretha P. Kroeker of Steinbach (widow Johan R. Dueck). Apparently his diaries are extant and with family members in Kansas. They would give a great insight into village life in Rosenort.


32.Johan Wiens Loewen 1823-1881 Anna Dueck Loewen 1825-1887

The Loewen's immigrated from Blumenhoff, Borosenko colony, Russia. They immigrated with four sons to Rosenhoff in 1874. He served as an organizational leader to the Rosenhoff congregation as a deacon. His wife had several years worth of paperwork refiling for his homestead claims after he passed away - she was successful and all her sons inherited land when she passed away. She was tremendously pressured to join the Holdeman church after her husband passed away but remained faithful to the Kleine Gemeinde Church.


33.Widow Anna Harms Ratzlaff 1808-1874

Formerly a Mrs. Peter Dueck, she ministered to the needs of the young children as they made the trip across the ocean in 1874. She was one of two people who remained healthy the entire voyage. Shortly after arriving in Manitoba she took ill and died and was the first Mennonite person buried on the Scratching River Reserve. Son Heinrich Ratzlaff was the first mayor of Rosenort. Her grave remains unmarked. Many of the folks in the community who carry the name Dueck are her offspring.


34.Heinrich Harms Ratzlaff 1848-1922 Aganetha Siemens Janzen 1850-1881

The Ratzlaff's immigrated to Rosenort, Manitoba where he served as mayor in 1874. In 1875 they moved to Jansen, Nebraska. Heinrich Ratzlaff served as a Kleine Gemeinde minister and later joined the Peters Gemeinde. Their autobiography is found in Profile of the Mennonite KG by Delbert Plett.


35.Johann Koop Rempel 1851-Nov. 1882 Maria Peters 1847-?

She was originally from Prangenau, Molotschna. They immigrated to Rosenort in 1876. She married for second time to Gerh. Siemens. Anyone know more about this couple? Where did they end up?


36.Widow Katherina Martens Koop Rempel 1826-1900?

Ktherina was the wife of Martin Rempel, her step-brother, who died just before immigration. She immigrated in 1876 to Rosenort with all her sons except Abram who stayed in Russia. They came through the port of New York since they came alone. She was reported as being ill for 15 years in the 1899 Rundschau.


37.Martin Koop Rempel 1847-1916 Susanna Thiessen Giesbrecht 1857-1934

The Rempel's moved to the Rosenort area in 1876. They farmed one and 3/4 miles west of the old homestead in Rosenort. His wife was sickly and later became blind. He retired in 1906. He died of complications due to diabetes.


38.Gerhard Thiessen Siemens 1834-1908 Anganetha Brandt Klassen 1848-1890

On Borosenko colony, Russia, the Siemens lived in the village of Steinbach. This couple immigrated to Blumenort for first winter, and then to Rosenhoff for 1875. Aganetha was married first to Cornelius Jansen with whom she had a daughter. The young child died in Russia. Aganetha and Gerhard had 9 children together and settled in the village of Rosenhoff. She is buried in the Klassen Cemetery in Riverside. Gerhard was born in the Old Colony in Russia. His first marriage was to Maria Harder, a widow with whom he had 4 children? He adopted 2 of hers named DeFehr. His 2nd marriage was to Anna Plett with whom he had 2 children. His 3rd wife was Aganetha Klassen, daughter of the delegate. His last marriage was to the widow John K. Rempel. By 1904 they lived in Herbert, Saskatchewan.


39.David F. Thiessen 1834-1906 Anganetha Gerbrandt 1833-1912

The Thiessens lived in Steinbach, Borosenko Colony, Russia prior to immigration. In 1874 they immigrated to Blumenort Manitoba. They moved to Rosenort after the first winter. Their son David G. was the first Rosenhoff storekeeper. David G.’s was Elizabeth de Veer, a 1/2 sister to Peter H. Siemens.


40.Johan von Niessen 1839-1915 Anna (Gertrude)Harms 1840-1906

It is unknown when the Von Niessen's moved to Rosenort. They immigrated on the SS Peruvian in 1875, apparently to Heuboden East Reserve. Back in Russia one of their children - Maria - was given away to W. Remple’s. Later in life one of the sisters tried to locate her. Anna or Gertrude was a 1/2 sister to Rosenhoff villagers Mrs. Isaac D. Friesen and Mr. Jacob Harms (who died at AK Eidse’s). Klaas Reimer (Steinbach merchant) records that he wrote Johann in Pembina, Reinland on Apr. 10, 1890. V. Niessen had indicated that he wanted to buy the place in Rosenort and he is told he can have it for $500. 400.00 is to be made as a bank transaction with Joh. Klassen. He is to trade building lots with Kornelius Rempel, since old Mrs. Rempel is ill and make a downpayment of 100.00. They sold their farm for $3300.00 in 1903 and then built a new house on land owned by Peter Kroeker where they retired. Visited son in Rosthern, Saskatchewan. Johan moved to Main Centre, Sk where he died.


41.Heinrich Warkentin 1833-1888 Justina Wiebe Enns 1828-1895

The Warkentin's settled in Rosenhoff in 1875. He was a treadmill owner in Russia. Their buildings were assessed the second highest in the village. In 1881 he had the highest amount of cultivated land. They had two sets of twins (Heinrich and Justina) (Johan and Anna).

In December of 1876, sons John and Henry got caught in a “killer” blizzard. They were hauling hay from the marshland 7-8 miles from home. About two miles from home, they noticed a wall of snow from the west. Henry’s feet began to freeze. Half a mile from home their oxen turned southeast and at one o’clock at night they finally saw some buildings. They were on the edge of Morris. Farmer Mulveys house. After some food, they went to bed. Henry couldn’t sleep due to the pain. Two friends had been out searching. Mother had been up all night praying while father was unaware because he was in Winnipeg. In Blumenort they were not so lucky as a Deacon Henry Wiebe froze to death. See John W. Dueck Prairie Pilgrims for a more detailed version of this story.


42.Martin Warkentin 1824-1891 Anna Harms Dueck 1827-1892

Lived in a semlin the 1st winter. Martin and Anna had 11 children of whom only 4 lived to see Canada. He was a treadmill owner in Russia.

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