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For King and Country

Copyright © 2001 Lorilee Scharfenberg.


In Loving Memory of: 

Rosenort World War 1 : 

Jacob Harms Cornelsen Military Record (misspelled on registration

Private Jacob H.Cornelson, son of Mrs. Anna (JK) Kroeker nee Harms (widow Cornelsen)

,enlisted at age 17 in 1915, Jake Cornelsen (local school custodian) is his nephew and namesake.


Rosenort Area World War 2 Casualties

Louis Quasso Military Record Family part of the Holdeman Church. Guardsman.

Benjamin Enns Military Record Son of David and Gertrude Enns, Pleasant Valley.


Rosenort Area World War 2 Veterans

Henry Esau

David Enns

Arthur Enns

Elmer Rempel

Harry Rempel

John Rempel

Johnny Wiens



Roll Call of Conscientious Objectors WWII

excerpted from Furrows in the Valley, p. 147. In June of 1941, the government of Canada instituted what is known as Alternative Service. Manitoba had the highest number of C.O's in the country, over 3000 in World War II. They were involved in vast reforestation projects in B.C., Some were in the Medical Corps and served as orderlies or stretcher-bearers overseas. Some fought forest fires, did logging, and served as farmworkers. A single man could keep 50 cents a day while a married man kept 5-10 dollars with an additional 5 dollars for each child. The total amount paid to the Red Cross in Manitoba alone was over $650,000.00.The Mennonites contributed in a variety of ways, purchasing large quantities of Victory Bonds.


The C.O's made $200.00 monthly and all earnings went to the Red Cross except for $45.00 to pay for the family's living expenses. Below are two news articles that indicate the Mennonites were not neutral but were indeed patriots within their conscience to their chosen home of Canada and its allies. 









































 Apparently 82 local men and boys served as conscientious objectors during WWII. This is a partial listing. I'd be glad to confirm and add others.



WORKING LIST OF CO’S    Morris, MB-Rosenort

Compiled by Lorilee Scharfenberg Summer 2006


1 Jacob R. Brandt,  Seebe, AB Rosenort KG

2 John L. Brandt Armstrong, Dryden, ON Rosenort KG

3 Henry R. Brandt, Armstrong, Dryden ON Rosenort KG

4 Bernhard H. Dueck, Seebee AB aka Smiles Rosenort KG

5 Cornie B. Dueck, Seebe, AB, Vancouver Island, St. Norbert Trappist Monastery, Carberry MB. Rosenort KG

6 Willie B. Dueck Oakno, MB 4 months Rosenort KG

7 Peter B. Dueck, Seebe AB, Vancouver, BC 1942-1943 Rosenort KG

8 Dave F. Dueck father’s farm Rosenort KG

9 Dave (Esther) Dueck, 1941 Clear Lake, Dryden, Sioux Lookout ON Rosenort KG

10 Johnny S. Dueck, Dryden, Savanne ON Rosenort KG

11 Henry K. Dueck, Armstrong, Dryden, Savanne ON Rosenort KG

12 Cornie F. Dueck, Clear Lake ON Rosenort KG

13 John Eidse, Clear Lake, MB Armstrong, AB Rosenort KG

14 Nick Eidse Dryden ON Rosenort KG

15 Abe F. Eidse Dryden ON Rosenort KG

16 Big Frank Friesen, Dryden ON Banff, AB Rosenort KG

17 Frank C.L. Friesen, Amesdale, ON Rosenort KG

18 Pete S. Friesen, Dryden ON Rosenort KG


19 Abe L. Friesen, Clear Lake, Seebee AB Rosenort KG

20 Abe JL Friesen, Dryden ON Rosenort KG

21 Peter JL Friesen, Roblin, Manitoba 1941-42 Dryden Rosenort KG

22 Cornie L. Friesen Dryden ON Rosenort KG

23 Ben D. Friesen (unconfirmed),  Rosenort KG

24 Nick Friesen   Armstrong, On, Banff National Park, Dryden 1943-1945   Rosenort KG

25 Edwin E. Froese, Dryden ON Rosenort Holdeman

26 Henry E. Froese, Dryden ON Rosenort Holdeman

27 John Harms, Dryden ON Rosenort KG

28 Simon Isaac, Armstrong, ON Rosenort KG

29 Frank K. Kroeker, Dryden ON Rosenort KG

30 Frank L. Kroeker, Dryden ON Rosenort KG

31 Jake L. Kroeker, Clear Lake? Dryden Rosenort KG


32 Henry F. Klassen? Dryden ON Rosenort KG

33 Johnny Klassen Rosenort KG

34 Cornie B. Loewen, 1944-1945 Dryden/ Savanne ON Rosenort KG

35 Peter B. Loewen 1941-1945 home farm, Dryden ON Rosenort KG

36 Henry Martens Rosenort KG

37 Arthur F. Schellenberg(unconfirmed),  Kleinegemeinde Morris, MB Rosenort KG

38 Bill Schellenberg, Dryden, ON Kleinegemeinde Morris, MB Rosenort KG

39 Frank P. Siemens, Clear Lake, SEEBEE AB Rosenort KG

40 Peter Toews Rosenort Holdeman

41 Frank Wiens Dryden, Savanne Rosenort KG


42 Victor Goossen, Banff, Dryden Holdeman

43 Pete Isaac Dryden Holdeman. Entered service 1941-42 Dryden area, bushwork pulp wood harvesting.

44 Froese, Joe: Rosenort Mar 29, 1923 entered service in 1943; bushwork, pulpwood harvesting; Bownsman, MB and Dryden, ON Holdeman


45 Ben P. Goossen: Rosenort, July 22, 1921, ent. Service in 1942, lumber camp, pulpwood harvest, Bowsman MB Dryden ON. Holdeman


46 Daniel Goossen Oct 5, 1922 entered service in 1942; lumber camp, pulpwood harvest, Bowsman MB, Dryden ON. Holdeman


47 Ed W. Goossen. Rosenort, March 29, 1923, ent. Service in 1942; lumber, pulpwood harvest; Bowsman, MB and Dryden ON and Armstrong ON. Holdeman



Other Holdemans –unknown years and camps/service


Albert Enns. Dryden

Ed Penner

Waldo Penner,

George Isaac Dryden

Benno Loewen,

Isaac Loewen

Frank Remple,

Frank T. Remple,

Peter L. Remple,

William Remple

Peter D. Thiessen,

Abe Toews

WW1 Rosenort area soldiers: Jacob Cornelsen & Paul Rosche

Benjamin Enns


Louis Quasso

Canadian Army

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