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Copyright © 2001 Lorilee Scharfenberg.


P.J.B. Reimer's dream for the Fellowship was "...that it would preserve the best of the old Kleine Gemeinde and EMC traditions of evangelical fervor with strong emphasis on discipleship and Gelassenheit within a more progressive and better educated communion, made up of younger, English speaking members rapidly moving towards main-stream society." Al Reimer (his son)

On October 1, 1968 the Rosenort Fellowship had its first worship service in the former Greenbank school, just north of the village of Rosenort. The Rosenort Fellowship began with 44 charter members and two associate members (listed below). 38 of the first members transferred membership from the "big" church (Rosenort E.M.C.). Rev. Melvin Dueck was elected as head pastor while Rev. P.J.B. Reimer served as a lay minister. 150 people attended the worship service that morning. Pastor Dueck spoke on II Samuel 7:25-29 in a sermon entitled, "Dedicated Unto God". Rev. Reimer also spoke emphasizing the spiritual and historical importance of the occasion.

Pete and Evelyn Friesen were the first couple to be elected as deacons in the early 1980's. Rev. P.J.B. Reimer taught the German adult Sunday School class, while the English adult class was taught by Pastor Dueck. On December 8, 1968 a dedication service was held for the new church.

In 1976 a new church building was constructed and completed within the village of Rosenort. The largest baptism took place in 1990 with 20 youth joining the church and two adults transferring in.

The church is known for producing many fine musical groups such as "They Joyful Notes" (1974-83), "The Gospel According To" (late 70's), the Schellenberg Family, "Mission", Heaven's Gate", "Josiah", "Elias". "His Very Own",the latest group to serve the church and community, recently released their first CD.

The church has had excellent choirs under the direction of the late Dick Zacharias and the late Walter Dueck, who were passionate about four-part harmonies. Cam Rempel, Helen Reimer and Earl Braun have also lead the choir at various times in the churches history. The musical worship is often lead by a team of musicians blending hymns and choruses.

In 1993 the Fellowship celebrated its 25th Anniversary. A short history filled with photographs was published by Ang Brandt, Rose Cornelsen, Marj Heinrichs and Ang Siemens. The Rosenort Fellowship has set apart two men to ministry in its history: Rev. Ken Quiring and Rev. Cam Rempel.

The Rosenort Fellowship has an active youth group, Ladies Fellowship, and several care groups. Deacons are elected for term positions and so have varied greatly through the years. The current membership numbers 176.

Two interim pastors served from 2000-2002; Rev. John Koop and Rev. Milton Fast, both of Kleefeld, Manitoba. In 2001 the first deaconess was elected by the membership: Nettie Rose Cornelsen.


Church Structure

The Fellowship has membership meetings monthly. An elected church board is responsible to implement membership decisions. The ministerial is comprised of the pastor, youth pastor and the deacon couples. Their primary focus is the spiritual nurturing of the congregation. All committees are elected from the membership.


"Many of the aims, goals and objectives of the early days have been realized and charter members may reflect on many blessings received. But our community still needs a clear, sincere, Spirit-filled witness, and we must continue to strive in presenting the Holy Word in our chapel, in our province, and in our world. Elizabeth Rempel (longtime missionary)

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